Install the Requirements:

The only "hard" requirement is the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 8 SE which you might already have. If not, it can be obtained from:

Download the application

Install and Run

On Windows

Download and execute the VirtMus-v.vv.exe installer (where v.vv is the version number). The installer will create shortcuts to VirtMus in your Start menu.

You can also use the "zip" distribution. There's no installation required. Simply unzip the file in a convenient place and execute the bin/VirtMus.exe or bin/VirtMus64.exe files.

On Linux

You should use the "zip" distribution. Simply unzip the downloaded zip file in a convenient place and execute the bin/VirtMus script. You will need to make it executable first by running chmod a+x bin/VirtMus from the top level directory.

If needed, you can use the --jdkhome command line option to specify where your Java JRE is located, or modify the virtmus.conf file from the etc subdirectory to uncomment the jdkhome line and make it point to your Java JRE.

  • Ex: ./bin/VirtMus --jdkhome /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle

On Mac/OSX

Download the VirtMus-v.vv.dmg image, double click on it to mount, then drag the icon to the Applications folder as shown in the installer. When done, right-click on the VirtMus icon on the desktop and select "Eject VirtMus".

You can also use the "zip" distribution. Simply unzip the downloaded zip file in a convenient place and execute the bin/VirtMus script. You will need to make it executable first by running chmod a+x bin/VirtMus from the top level directory.

Portable Apps

If you're interested in the version designed to be launched with the launcher, download the VirtMusPortable_v.vv.paf.exe file from the VirtMus For PortableApps folder and install it by following the instructions at

Optional requirements:

All of the optional requirements are available for Unix/Linux, Windows and OSX.